36 Died Since Fri in Abyei and Khartoum Says South Will Remain Uncivilized

January 10. 2011

8 Dead in a battle between Dinka and Masseria in Abyei, 6 in the Unity State in first day of the election in South Sudan. Another 6 died this morning in Abyie to bring the total to 36 since Friday.

On the other hand, Khartoum says; South Sudan will remain uncivilized just as English proclaimed before and that's what signifies them from the rest of the African countries. What a primitive and an irrational statement by El Mahadi of the NCP. He still carry a 19th century token of the Northern Oppressors.? It is 21st century for God sake. Nations learn fundamentals of civilization in the course of time. Every country has been uncivilized once or more than once in case of Somalia in now days, but that is not the case in the South nor should such a statement be expected from an educated and an allied individuals. It is baseless and El Mahadi and the NCP should apologize for this use of intentionally distorting the real emeges of the South Sudan.

Please cut and paste the video link bellow:


Giir Biar

1 comment:

  1. It's another political styled catty remarks to tarnish the image of the upcoming rivaling state he oppose he is personally is responsible for the clashes, one way or another!
